About Me

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I'm just a regular girl who wants a blog too! I like pretty things and having a blog like all of the other cool girls!

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

ok...so I have a blog...here goes...

I'm a mom, a new wife, an ex-wife, a teacher (for real...I teach first grade), a learner, at times a ding dong, a lover of animals and basically a girl with a big heart and bigger fanny. I WANT A BLOG TOO!!!! All the cool people have one...why not me?? I can't pick out my own clothes, ones that look like the way I think they do in my head anyway, I love to cook, or attempt to cook, I secretly play Facebook games, and I love to eat...no really...I am a seriously bottomless pit. It takes a lot of self control to not eat all of the food. As a result, I, as I think most women do, CONSTANTLY have to keep myself in check. I know exercise is important, but I'd honestly rather eat less so I can have a beer or two after work, sometimes 3, but who's counting...so I'm pretty sure going to the gym is not in my planner for the day. Who am I kidding, I have no planner. Actually, come to think of it, I do, but I think it's in the bag of "things to take into the house" that I cleaned out of the car about 4 months ago.

Having a blog makes me feel special. Yeah yeah yeah, I don't need a blog to feel special, but whateves...I sort of like reading blogs sometimes. Especially to steal crafty ideas and pass them off as my own..although I do try to give credit where credit is due. So why not me? Even though I have absolutely nothing of interest to put on a blog...why not me? SO...here I go...I have a blog...just because I want one...maybe you'll find something useful...maybe not...I still have a blog either way!


1 comment:

  1. Oh my God I love you!!!!! This is a great outlet for a silly girl like you!!!!! I too am a bottomless pit! :D oh and this is Beth.
